Bridging the Gap
Between AI and Your

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AI Tools Are...

Tools like ChatGPT and Zapier are undoubtably powerful, but how these tools can integrate into your existing business workflows is complicated... Plus, most engineering teams are not trained to quickly integrate and develop these products.

Why Us?

The developers at Portland AI have been involved in the AI industry before mainstream adoption. We use our fundamental understanding of tools like ChatGPT and DALL•E to integrate seamlessly with your existing business practices.

Our Philosophy

Collaborators. Not Clients

We are not interested in clients, but rather see our services more as a collaboration between individuals sharing knowledge and expertise. We will not recommend AI to businesses who do not need it. We will not attempt to persuade a business into using AI when they are not convinced themselves it is an answer, that is not who we are targeting or who we are. Our target is successful businesses with owners who recognize and believe in the utility of AI in a practical business sense, but do not know or do not have the engineering budget to build out full scale tools that help alleviate these business struggles. We step in, help our collaborator identify places where AI can (and arguably more importantly where it can NOT) help to solve a problem.

Useful AI

Only When
AI Makes Sense

We do not market AI tools and solutions as a silver bullet that can solve any of your problems. We are realistic in our observation of the space, and openly critique tools / technologies / companies in all aspects where they fall short. But we are also quick to highlight the specific circumstances where AI can help and be a superpower. Ultimately, we believe in balance.

Kevin has been the primary programmer for our business for the past 15 years. We've gone through numerous technology changes in that time and Kevin has kept up with it all making sure our business is best leveraging the available technology to keep our highly automated business running smoothly. Besides being an astute business man who often leads the changes we need to make to stay viable, he is also very responsive to make the changes we request as well.

Michelle Labrosse - Cheetah Learning

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